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Are you considering buying a gas station or expanding your existing one? As a property investor or business owner in the gas station industry, you know that it’s a profitable venture. However, the upfront costs can be significant. That’s where STAX Real Estate comes in, offering innovative solutions for gas station purchases and expansions. In this article, we’ll explore various funding choices and why STAX Real Estate can be your partner in success.

Traditional Bank Loans

One of the most common ways to fund a gas station purchase or expansion is through traditional bank loans. These loans often offer competitive interest rates and can be suitable for those with excellent credit. However, they can come with stringent eligibility criteria, extensive paperwork, and a lengthy approval process. For many, waiting for a bank loan approval is not an option when opportunities are time-sensitive.

SBA Loans

Small Business Administration (SBA) loans can be an attractive option for gas station owners. These loans are partially guaranteed by the government, making them less risky for lenders. They usually have lower down payment requirements and longer repayment terms. However, SBA loans have a strict application process and might take a while to get approved.

Private Investors

Turning to private investors, such as angel investors or venture capitalists, can be an option for those who need a substantial amount of capital quickly. However, this often means giving up a share of your business and control over decisions. It’s essential to consider the trade-offs before going down this path.

Sale-Leaseback Arrangements with STAX Real Estate

STAX Real Estate offers an innovative and flexible alternative for gas station owners – the sale-leaseback arrangement. Our platform specializes in sale-leasebacks of single tenant net lease retail assets, including gas stations. Here’s how it works:

  • You sell your gas station property to STAX Real Estate.
  • You lease the property back from us, continuing to operate your gas station.
  • You receive a lump-sum cash payment, which you can use to fund expansion, renovations, or other business needs.

This approach allows you to unlock the equity in your gas station while retaining operational control. It offers a fast and straightforward funding solution, without the hassles of traditional financing methods.

STAX Real Estate’s sale-leaseback platform generates some of the highest yields in the marketplace, making it an attractive option for gas station owners looking to free up capital for growth and expansion.


In conclusion, when it comes to funding your gas station purchase or expansion, you have several choices. Traditional loans, SBA loans, and private investors can be viable options, but they come with their challenges. STAX Real Estate’s sale-leaseback arrangement offers a unique, hassle-free, and profitable alternative.

Don’t let funding obstacles hold you back from seizing opportunities in the gas station industry. Contact STAX Real Estate today and explore how our platform can help you achieve your goals. Your success is just a sale-leaseback away!